business cards
i'm getting excited and more stressed for dragcon. i think it's going to be so much fun. but i know it's going to be a lot of work. i'm also stressed because i'm not exactly sure how setup and stuff is going to work. i have a good friend coming down on saturday but setup and the first few hours of dragcon are on friday. i have a friend who lives in la who said he can help but he's not sure what his work schedule is going to be...
anyway i made some business cards to have at my table. i don't have info besides my etsy page to put on there so i made it more about a coupon code that people can use to get posters after the con is over.
because i have no idea how many posters to print v. how many i can sell i'm hoping to run out and make people order online. that's the best case scenario. so i'm offering free shipping. that way it'll be the same cost to them and hopefully i can sell some more.